Friday, December 7, 2012

The 8 best ways to improve your drawing

There must be a gazillion books and blogs regarding drawing but this series of posts is going to try to pull together and boil down the key approaches towards improving your drawing.
  1. Surround yourself with really good examples of great drawing.   
  2. When you look at your subject ask yourself "what is it the most?"
  3. Establish a vertical line (plumb line) mentally or even visually next to the subject.
  4. Find and fix in your mind the negative space or spaces that exist surrounding your subject.
  5. Understand what you are looking at...Think about the subject in the round or cross-section.
  6. Use your line or mark to express what you see..thick and thin line - straight and curved.
  7. Look for the opposite surface visible from the surface you are beginning to render with your line and consider that your new line will amplify the total form. 
  8. Follow the form surface with the shadow lines or texture.
The following books are highly recommended and cover all of the above in great detail..

The Vilppu Drawing Manual...(Excellent start and Art Center Graduate)
Bridgeman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life

Loomis pen and ink



Paul Kley - pen and ink



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